How Spotify's Podcast Comments Feature is Transforming Listener Engagement

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Podcasting Community
Dimitar Petkov - CMO at a podcasting company
Dimitar Petkov
July 31, 2024


In a significant move, Spotify has introduced a new comments feature for podcasts, enhancing how listeners and creators interact on the platform. This feature, announced in early July 2024, adds a new layer of engagement, allowing listeners to leave comments directly on podcast episodes. For podcasters, this opens up a wealth of opportunities to connect with their audience, gather feedback, and foster a more interactive community. This article explores the implications of Spotify's update, its benefits for podcasters, and practical tips on leveraging this feature to enhance audience engagement.

"The introduction of podcast comments on Spotify marks a significant step in fostering deeper connections between creators and listeners." - Spotify Newsroom

Read the full announcement here

Source: Spotify

What’s New with Spotify’s Podcast Comments?

Spotify's new comments feature allows users to post their thoughts, reactions, and feedback directly beneath podcast episodes. This functionality goes beyond existing tools like Q&A and polls by providing a space for ongoing conversation and interaction. Listeners can engage not just with the content, but also with each other, discussing topics raised in episodes, sharing perspectives, and even asking questions directly to hosts.

Key Features:

  • User Engagement: Listeners can comment on episodes, fostering a sense of community.
  • Feedback Mechanism: Creators can gather direct feedback and insights from their audience.
  • Interactive Discussions: Encourages dialogue among listeners, enriching the listening experience.

One of the standout aspects of Spotify's comments feature is its flexibility and control for podcasters. Unlike Apple Podcasts, where reviews are public, Spotify's comments start as private. Podcasters can choose which comments to make visible, offering a more curated and relevant discussion space. This control allows creators to highlight constructive feedback and meaningful interactions while filtering out potentially harmful or irrelevant comments. Additionally, Spotify offers tools to block problematic users, addressing the common issue of online trolls. For podcasters who prefer not to have comments, the feature can be turned off entirely through the Spotify for Podcasters dashboard.

This approach contrasts with other platforms like YouTube and GoodPods, where comments are open and not interconnected. Each platform maintains its separate commenting system, and there are no APIs available to integrate these comments across different services. This segregation can lead to fragmented discussions, with different conversations happening in silos.

Source: Spotify

Benefits for Podcasters

The introduction of comments brings multiple benefits for podcasters, fundamentally changing how they can interact with their audience.

  • Enhanced Engagement: Comments provide a platform for immediate interaction. Podcasters can respond to questions, acknowledge feedback, and even spark discussions, making listeners feel heard and valued.
  • Community Building: By engaging with their audience in the comments, podcasters can build a more loyal and engaged community. This sense of community can enhance listener loyalty and encourage word-of-mouth promotion.
  • Content Improvement: Feedback from comments can offer valuable insights into what listeners enjoy or would like to see more of. This information can be crucial for shaping future content, ensuring it meets the audience's expectations and interests.

"Engaging with your listeners directly through comments not only shows you value their input but also helps in creating content that resonates more deeply with them." - Podcasting Expert

Practical Tips for Podcasters

To make the most out of Spotify's comments feature, podcasters can adopt several strategies:

  1. Encourage Commenting: Prompt listeners to leave comments by asking open-ended questions or seeking opinions on topics discussed. Mentioning this call-to-action during episodes can also help.
  2. Regular Interaction: Engage with commenters by responding to their messages. This interaction can strengthen the relationship between the podcaster and the audience, fostering a sense of community.
  3. Moderate Discussions: Maintain a positive and respectful comment section. Set clear guidelines for commenting and address any inappropriate content promptly to ensure a welcoming environment for all listeners.
  4. Use Feedback Constructively: Analyze comments for constructive feedback and incorporate these insights into your content strategy. This can help in refining your podcast's focus and improving overall quality.
Source: Spotify

Future Implications and Developments

The introduction of comments on Spotify could signal a broader trend in podcasting towards more interactive and community-focused platforms. As other platforms consider similar features, podcasters will have more tools at their disposal to engage with their audience. This trend could lead to more personalized and responsive podcast content, further blurring the lines between creators and listeners.

Speculative Future Features:

  • Live Commenting: Real-time comments during live podcasts could be the next evolution, allowing for immediate listener interaction.
  • Enhanced Analytics: Advanced metrics tracking comment engagement could provide deeper insights into listener preferences and behaviors.


Spotify's new comments feature represents a significant advancement in podcasting, providing podcasters with a powerful tool to engage with their audience more deeply. By fostering community, gathering feedback, and encouraging interaction, this feature enhances the podcasting experience for both creators and listeners. As the podcasting landscape continues to evolve, features like these will likely become standard, offering more ways to connect and engage.

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